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W-iwi o KriFramework – Web application framework

Framework K-iwi per applicazioni web

The K-iwi or KriFramework, code-named “MyKrisoft” is an ambitious project proposed by Krisoft S.r.l. and to whom we had the honour of participating since its inception and on which we collaborate actively today.

Framework K-iwi per applicazioni web
The goal is to create a framework, multi-platform, multi-database that can retrieve and process data stored on distributed and heterogeneous database and is able to provide all the necessary tools to develop software on top of it in an intuitive, easy and fast. The slogan of this project is “software for generate software.”

It is based on an architectural model MVC web based, is written in PHP and currently it is natively compatible with the MySQL and IBM database (as400 included), or you can connect to any database through an ODBC driver. Among the various tools there is a code generator which is able to build in completely automatic CRUD applications perfectly compatible with the framework, starting from the reading of the table.

The framework is in continuous development and expansion, and many applications have been developed for medium / large companies to satisfy every kind of request with the current version.

Link: K-iwi or KriFramework

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