Founder of the “MDT”, he studied computer science at the University of Salerno and in 2009 he earned the title of study “23 / S – Class of degrees in computer science” with a thesis entitled “An Approach to Simulation of Damage impact in collisions between 3D Objects Based on Deformation Maps“.
During the course of study he is busy working on several projects at some Italian companies in the context of web applications, where he acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the design and development of in total autonomy. Until one day the companies he has worked with have sought for advice. This reason prompted him to get involved and he founded the MDT.
The passion for computers led him to a continuous study of the subject while remaining in step with the times to propose innovative solutions and cutting edge. He thus failed to meet any customer request, even the most desperate.
His soprannone is “The Captain” and as such never says no to any challenge. Just like a true leader leads the team and if one of his men are in trouble is always ready to advise and help.